Ebook Becoming Supernatural How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon Dr Joe Dispenza 9781401953119 Books

By Jeffrey Oliver on Monday 27 May 2019

Ebook Becoming Supernatural How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon Dr Joe Dispenza 9781401953119 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 384 pages
  • Publisher Hay House Inc.; 2 edition (March 5, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1401953115

Becoming Supernatural How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon Dr Joe Dispenza 9781401953119 Books Reviews

  • For so many years now I have been amazed at the power we have to heal ourselves. Especially after witnessing my husband heal himself from a C5 fracture in 5 different places. The doctors said he would never walk again! He sure proved them wrong! I witnessed every day in the hospital how my husband Rafael would go into silence for hours at a time and didn't know what he was doing. Not until years after did he share how he would go into his body and talk to his bones, neck and brought even helpers inside of his mind to help him heal. And so it was! He not only healed himself completely, but even doctors today can't even see his fracture since he was so precise in what he wanted for himself. So thank Dr. Joe Dispenza for sharing with the World your words of wisdom and that through science as well, you are able to explain how each and every one of us can change our lives instantly! All we have to do is have the courage, strength, focus and determination to make it happen. We are all of course, super natural beings and it is time we take control of our lives and stop blaming others for our lives!
  • Becoming Supernatural How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon, by Dr. Joe Dispenza, can place you on the path of transforming your future - in the present.

    This is a time in history when it's not enough to know - this is a time in history to know how...Dr. Joe Dispenza.

    Right now - in the present - is the only time we have. The past and the future are of value only in so far as they enable us to make the changes needed to get where we want to be(come). If you want to live a more powerful life that is not simply a replay of your past beliefs and habits and is willing to take some reasonable steps to get there, then you need to read Supernatural How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon.

    It's been almost four years since Dr. Joe's last book, You are the Placebo. Fully 93% of those who wrote an review has rated it as a 4 or 5. My own review is one of those, which I'm proud to say is currently ranked #1 of the more than 700 so listed.

    Given that Dr. Joe literally saved my life several years ago when he was still working full-time at his chiropractic practice, it's a small repayment. For several weeks, I suffered incredible non-stop pain from a ruptured disc. The region's top surgeon opined that "Your only option is spinal fusion." Dr. Joe disagreed. With his bodywork, meditative teachings, and encouragement, along with training suggestions from Professor Bradley Steiner, my martial arts instructor of 30 years, I was able to cheat the hangman as my disc repaired itself.

    Several years of quantitative analyses on students in his Advanced 4-day workshops in many venues, literally around the globe have led to this, his latest book. Confirmation of the model came from analyzing and measuring brain waves/scans, neurotransmitters, and heart coherence, as well as internal and external energy levels. He concludes, "We now have data from common people, just like you and I, so that once they understand what they're doing and why they're doing it, (practicing and implementing) the 'how' gets easier." You can "tune in to frequencies beyond your material world" by breaking habits of the old self and creating a new one.

    Paying attention is being present. We spend the majority of our time either living by past emotions/habits or anticipating the future overlain with the old guideposts. When we get there, that past is recycled into the same behaviors, and nothing really changes.

    Eastern mystics and religious leaders have advanced the practice of "being present". But this powerful concept doesn't keep us from dredging up past behaviors and replicating them, if not in the present, then certainly in the future, when we invariably "fall out of being present". You are the Placebo, now reinforced "on the proof side" with an additional four years of scientific, measurable, objective data as recounted in Supernatural, clears the decks. Common people just like us can now see how to go about becoming uncommon, and capable of achieving benefits on the scale of those who have led the way.

    Understand that your thoughts create your life. Accept that if you keep thinking the same way, you'll have the same (unsatisfactory?) experience, the same mental anguish, the same untoward physical response. In any skill set - martial arts, mountain climbing, driving a car, you're going to respond in the event the same way you train. Without a change, won't your future be just like your past, since those habits are still the drivers of that future?

    You may not have attended a conference. But as my Canadian friends like to say, "No worries!" Don't hesitate. Read Supernatural and see how all the evidence indicates that effecting change is much less complicated than you might imagine. Also, read You Are the Placebo, then get to work following the trail Dr. Joe has blazed, and which is now being successfully traversed by so many others just like you.

    A few things help me stay on the path. When negative self-talk crops up, I quickly defuse its effect by simply thinking "Release". You might visualize the idea sailing away or disintegrating - before it can become a feeling, followed closely by a physical sensation of tension, anger or depression. Even if it persists for a while, it seems to have been stripped of its power to bother me. Soon, I get up and do something as it fades away, having deprogrammed my subconscious one more time.

    Second, find a couple of things each day for which to be grateful. Try to choose something you'd like which has not yet taken place. The powerful act of expressing gratitude before it happens is an element in creating the future you wish to experience. Dr. Joe is the only person I've ever met who suggested this...and it works!

    Third, certain words or phrases can be highly emotive. Before arising each morning, I state silently, "I approach this day with Gratitude, Respect, Observation, and Wisdom (GROW)."

    Finally, release these thoughts into the Quantum Field, asking that they are organized in a helpful way; that they are returned in an unexpected, powerful, and positive manner.

    Dr. Joe states, "The only way to become "supernatural" is we have to start doing what feels unnatural - then keep doing it over and over again. We can create better lives for ourselves. In fact, each of us possesses the anatomy, chemistry, and physiology needed to become supernatural—it’s merely a matter of awakening it and activating it."

    As you reflect upon and practice what Dr. Joe teaches in his seminars around the globe and now, in his fourth book, Supernatural How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon, you will be acquiring the tools necessary to build an exceptional future before it even arrives! Better able to regulate your internal state regardless of what's going on in the outside world. Your behavior will more closely align with your intentions. You'll be more attached to the future-present than your past-present. As your thoughts and actions begin to mesh, what's unnatural will become supernatural. I am grateful that these elements are at work in my own life. They can help transform yours as well!
  • Honestly confused how a new published book can get this many positive reviews in such a short time. I did not do any of the exercises yet, and it still took me over 3 weeks to finish it.
    There are couple of things that bother me. Yes the meditations are explained but not fully. You need to buy all these different CD's or download them to get the full picture. He also tries to convince his readers to take his classes, and even better if you take 3 classes. Also to benefit from the Meditation CD's he mentions, you also need to buy his previous book "Breaking the Habit of being Yourself". And guess what? When you go over the suggested chapters 9-13, you realize that you better pay for additional Meditation CD's. Still overall I found the info interesting and believe it can work if you become dedicated like a Buddhist Monk. I will definitely not take his classes, but will get the CD's (Probably around $200 additional cost). Later will edit my review based on my own personal experience.
  • I have read three of his earlier books and attended Dr. Joe's workshop and while I greatly appreciate all the science, references to research by others, etc. I found this book a bit of a disappointment. The first half (some 150 pages) is spent on previous works. I suppose as a stand-alone he would have to get first-time readers up to speed, however, it would seem this could be done more effectively by putting those explanations, graphics, charts etc in an addendum and referring readers there. The latter half of the book gets to the 'new' work, and I love that he discusses hard brain science and discoveries in quantum science, yet I had hoped for a deeper exploration of consciousness and the brain-heart connection.

    Another problem I find with all his work, the book was billed as a step-by-step guide but as with all of his earlier work, he refers to an 'elevated emotion' without ever describing how to tap into it. One doesn't just sit down, close their eyes and find joy and love and harmony.