PDF Best Bondage Erotica 2015 Rachel Kramer Bussel Annabel Joseph 9781627780896 Books

By Jeffrey Oliver on Thursday 16 May 2019

PDF Best Bondage Erotica 2015 Rachel Kramer Bussel Annabel Joseph 9781627780896 Books

Product details

  • Series Best Bondage Erotica
  • Paperback 232 pages
  • Publisher Cleis Press (February 17, 2015)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9781627780896
  • ISBN-13 978-1627780896
  • ASIN 1627780890

Best Bondage Erotica 2015 Rachel Kramer Bussel Annabel Joseph 9781627780896 Books Reviews

  • It’s unusual to come across such an inventive selection of bondage stories. Not just in the manner of the bondage itself, but in the variation in the tone of the pieces. Some are written gleefully with more than a hint of the A-team in the manner of the spontaneous bondage (Daddy X’s Housewarming the Craftsman is a personal favourite in this respect), and others (like second favourite Corvidae) live out the fantasy of a non-bondage situation becoming so because of the key characters’ state of mind. I won’t give away the ending to ‘The Thug’ but it makes it easy to understand how easily Stockholm syndrome kicks in, and I loved the reluctant, bewildered subjugation of ‘Auction, in quotation marks,’ which features a slide into the extreme end of the BDSM lifestyle.

    Readers will all have their preference particular pairings in a bondage story; I would’ve loved more M/M pairings, but the variety here is exciting in itself. It opened my eyes to a new range of scenarios that could titillate the reader, to say nothing of the variation of tone between one story and the next.

    What this compilation completely lacks is stock characters or tropes. Some of the stories feature more easily anticipated BDSM scenarios, but the narrative voice in each makes every story unique and compelling. What his compilation does have—in abundance—is clean, refreshing writing which has me scouring for other shorts by the same authors, and compilations by Rachel Kramer Bussel.
  • I loved the mix of stories and how each teased me. Most the time when I read an anthology, I end up skipping at least one or two stories since they don't grab me in the first few lines, but I read from start to finish in this anthology.
    I loved how the stories seemed to flow from one to the next without feeling jumpy or that they didn't fit together.
  • This is the first book I've read with short and to the very point stories. It sure kept my interests peaked. Put it this way, some surprised me, while others shocked the living day lights out of me.
  • The title does not do the book justice! The book left me craving more and more. It was a delicious read,
  • Great Short Stories
  • 4.5/5

    Best Bondage Erotica 2015 is one of the best erotica books that I've read from Cleis Press. The stories are steamy and well varied, and there were only a few stories in this anthology that I didn't enjoy.

    The great thing about this collection of short stories is the differences that are included. There are so many different fetishes, pairings of people, and dynamics being represented. Naturally, as with all anthologies, there's a connecting theme, and for this collection it's simply "bondage", which leaves the door wide open for lots of stories.

    Honestly, I don't even remember why I didn't like a few of the stories looking back as I write this review, but it's a safe guess that something just wasn't up my alley, so to speak.

    There were, however, a ton of stories that I really, really enjoyed. I've decided to highlight the top three, which was a really tough decision for me to narrow it down! These top picks are in no particular order. The first story that I'd most recommend is called "The Thug" by Sommer Marsden, which involves a gangster, sticky tape, and a kidnapping. I really liked the dialogue in this one, which is rare for me. But it was just as sexy as the scene itself, and they complimented each other nicely. The next story that I most enjoyed is "Auction, in Quotation Marks" by LN Bey. This story includes a slave, an auction, and a surprising bidder. I enjoyed this story because I wasn't quite sure how it all was going to pan out, and the good writing had me eager to find out. The final selection of my top three is "In Suspense" by Shenoa Carroll-Bradd. Because of the pain, suspension, and trust evident in this story, it's one that I'll definitely be rereading in the future.

    All in all, this is a well done anthology that any fan of erotica and BDSM would be sure to enjoy. There's something for every reader, and it is very effective in its job of getting bits aroused. Thank you so much to Cleis Press for my copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.
  • I have a hard time enjoying most erotica I get my hands on, so when I start a new book, my expectations are low. I expect to be disappointed with clunky writing, or that vague sense that the author doesn't really know what they're talking about. Especially with kinky stories (50 Shades I'm looking at *you*) there's something that never rings true has the author ever felt subspace (or alternatively, the inner beast)? Have they ever even observed a scene, or talked with experienced people?

    The stories in this book have that authentic voice. They are believable, creative, filled with life. And very *hot*. And told from both male and female points of view. Depending on your tastes, you might cringe, or you might get some new ideas. But having an emotional reaction is how you know you've found good writing. And deep down, you also wonder sometimes are these stories based on actual events? Did the author experience this? I want to live in a world where these kinds of scenarios are possible, where people really do get to enjoy themselves like this.
  • This wonderful book is filled with about a chapter's worth of erotic shorts. No build up, no waiting to see how the main characters get to know each other. Normally, I'm not a fan of short stories, I can certainly appreciate the talent that goes in to tantalizing the reader with the meat & potatoes of a bondage scene. Make no mistake these shorts are hot. And definitely got the right reactions (or at least I think the reactions the authors would want). Every single short delivered.

    I would definitely read any future compilations put out by Ms. Bussel.